To friends and family of All Saints …

Welcome to our website.
Please call us anytime (708-448-2939) or
drop by (we are right next to Sandburg High School
at 13350 LaGrange Road) if you have any questions.

We have Sunday morning worship at 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m.
May 26 – September 1, 2024
and Thursday evening worship at 7:00 p.m.
Worship will be outdoors starting June 6th, weather permitting.

Thanks for checking in on us.

Have a blessed day.


Watch LIVE STREAMING of both services every

All Saints Lutheran Church

Thought for the Day

July 26, 2024

I’ve been spending too much time … thinking about all the “stuff” that makes me sad. There are so many people I love and care about who are going through tough times. I pray. I hope. I want them to feel the presence and healing of God’s spirit. All the tension in the world: the divisions, the protests, the innocent suffering. I take a walk “out back” … our peaceful dedication walk and outdoor worship area. Too often … instead of focusing on the flowers and trees … I see all the weeds —— my gosh: how come they grow so fast!! Yes, in life —- so often the weeds get in the way of seeing the miracle of a new flower growing. Yes — too many times I let the weeds and the pain and the turmoil cloud my vision. It happens … we’re human … we get sad when we see all the weeds and pain around us. How about you? Maybe for a few moments today … we can try to look beyond weeds into the small miracles around us. Say “I love you” more … say a prayer of thanks for even the common and small blessings God sends our way. An act of kindness … a word of encouragement … taking a deep breath, knowing God’s presence is always with us. Thank-you, Jesus, for walking with us … and bringing a dose of healing into the brokenness around us. And to all of you … may God’s peace grace your steps today. Don

All Saints Lutheran Church
November 05, 2023 08:30 am

All Saints Lutheran Church
Choir – All Things Bright and Beautiful
November 26, 2023

All Saints Lutheran Church
Sunday School Choir
November 05, 2023 11:00

Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion – it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ.

Billy Graham

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.

C. S. Lewis